At Happy Lifestyle Living, we strive to teach you ways to be healthier and create what we call a “Luxurious Food Lifestyle.” Most of our recipes contain no refined sugars, absolutely no artificial sweeteners, and are comprised mostly of whole foods. As we always say, “Eat Clean If You Want To Be Lean." We hope you enjoy all the recipes, cooking videos, product overviews, and inspirational Monte Chats. If you have any questions, please reach out directly to Monte at

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Monte's Recipes

Several years ago when Monte decided to rid his diet of sugar, he concentrated on cooking with all natural ingredients and making each plate beautiful. Monte knew that starting a new sugar free healthy diet regime would be hard, and he wanted to be able to look down at his plate and see luxurious looking food rather than a torturous diet plate. Over the years, Monte has compiled his recipes to share with all of you. These recipes are easy to make, full of nutrition, and a feast on the eyes.


Cooking With Kids

Nowadays with Corona, many children are bored and keeping them busy can seem impossible. Why not bond with your children in new ways by teaching them how to cook? We believe the best gift you can give your child is the gift of healthy habits. Teach them to cook healthy foods and have fun along the way. Kids love to make pizza, help you prep food, and make food art. Check our Kids Meals section to see many kid friendly food art meals they will be sure to enjoy. Suitable for kids of all ages!


Pizza Perfection

    Everyone loves Pizza, however; most pizza is high in calories, full of sodium, and other unhealthy ingredients. Our pizza uses the 3 ingredient dough recipe and is less than half the calories of regular/restaurant pizza, and is made with all natural ingredients. It is also so much fun to make pizza with your children or friends. Don’t complain that you are bored at home during the quarantine, have a small pizza making party instead.

  • View Pizza Recipes

Scrumptious Salads

Vegetables and other greens are full of nutrients. You should make a new goal to eat at least one salad a day. We love the saying “eat the rainbow.” Different colors of vegetables and greens are packed with different phytonutrients. The more diverse phytonutrients you consume, the more variety you will provide your body that will protect you from disease. We hope our salad recipes entice you to eat more salad and consume more nutrient dense food.


Bagels & Rolls

When most people start a diet or health regime, they think the first thing they have to give up is bread, bagels, and rolls. We use the same healthy 3 ingredient dough that we use for our pizzas to create delicious and beautiful baked goods. Everyone loves to make bagels and this can be yet another fun thing to do with the kids, friends, and love ones. Don’t be afraid to eat bagels or rolls, just make healthy ones yourself!

View Bagel and Bread Recipes