Happy Lifestyle Living was created by Monte Kingstone
After many years of yo-yo dieting and many weight gains and losses, Monte decided to rid his diet of sugar, artificial sweeteners, and focus upon on eating as many whole foods as possible. Knowing this new eating regime was going to be difficult, Monte taught himself how to cook and concentrated making the food beautiful. Monte thought that rather than looking down at his plate and seeing diet food, he wanted to be able to look down and say to himself, “look at this luxurious food lifestyle I have created!”
For over 20 years, Monte has counted calories and learned that every time he stopped counting, he gained the weight right back. 5 years ago, Monte started posting his meals online and grew a following of over 120,000 on the Weight Watcher Connect site. After leaving Weight Watchers several years ago, Monte concentrated on his own recipes for success and started the Happy Lifestyle Living brand.
Monte has never taken a cooking class and is all self-taught. All his recipes contain the total calorie count and all the ingredients that comprise each meal. He also has provided on this web site his favorite store bought products, his go-to kitchen gadgets, his own line of health and beauty products for purchase, and his inspirational videos he calls “Monte Chats.”
We hope you enjoy all the content on this site. Please feel free to reach out to Monte directly if you have any questions or need any additional information. monte@happylifestyleliving.com