Everything Bagels.PNG

Everything Bagels - 119 Calories Each

Homemade everything bagels. The best part is they’re only 119 calories each.

I love making these bagels. I make them with all natural ingredients and they are so beautiful and delicious. I make theme with the 3 ingredient dough recipe.

Recipe/mix in a bowl:

1 cup of bread flour

1 cup of a cup of Fage nonfat Greek yogurt

2 teaspoons of baking powder.

Mix the contents very well and knead it with your hands. Then transfer to a surface where you could knead it some more. I use parchment paper sprinkled with flour.

Then divide the dough after kneading it well into four pieces. Make 4 balls with the dough and poke a hole in the center of each to make a bagel shape. Then take one egg white and brush on top the egg mixture and then sprinkle with everything bagel seasoning. On a nonstick pan, bake in the oven at 375 degrees for 20 to 23 minutes until done. Today I baked for 23 minutes.

1 cup of bread flour= 330 Calories

1 of a cup of Fage nonfat Greek yogurt = 120 calories

1 teaspoon of everything bagel seasoning = 20 calories

1/2 egg white (to brush on top of the bagels) = 5 calories

475 calories / by 4 = 119 Calories each

Watch the video on how to do this because it’s not easy you have to see somebody do it to get the hang of it.

Learn how to make amazing everything bagels.