Mexican Whole Egg Waffles With A Whole Wheat Raisin Sunflower Roll -370 Calories

Spinach, onion, and cheddar cheese egg waffles with a homemade whole wheat, raisin, and sunflower roll and one organic strawberry.

1 Homemade whole wheat, raisin, and sunflower seed roll = 150 Calories.

2 eggs = 140 Calories.

1/2 ounce of cheddar cheese = 55 Calories.

2 tablespoons of Salsa Verde = 10 Calories.

1/8 cup of onion = 8 Calories.

1/2 cup of spinach = 3 Calories.

1 Strawberry = 4 Calories.


To make the egg waffles I just beat two eggs and added sea salt, garlic powder, pepper, chopped onion, cheddar cheese, and chopped spinach and mixed well. I then preheated a Belgian waffle iron with a quick spray of extra-virgin olive oil spray and poured the egg mixture into the waffle iron. I then let it cook for three minutes and it came out perfect. The eggs cook in three minutes and having the eggs with ridges and being three dimensional kind of tricks you into thinking it tastes totally different. I am now obsessed with egg waffles.

Learn how to make egg waffles.