Frozen Chocolate Banana.jpg

Frozen Chocolate Banana - 195 Calories

Chocolate almond frozen banana!!! Healthy, low calorie, and guilt-free decadence😍😍😍

2 Tablespoons of chocolate PB2 (mixed with 2 tablespoons of water) = 50 calories

7 grams of almond slivers = 40 Calories

1 banana = 105 Calories


Cut 1 banana in half

Poke a wooden skewer threw it (I bought an apple skewer at my local grocer)

Mix 2 Tablespoons of chocolate PB2 with 2 Tablespoons of water

Paint the chocolate PB2 on the banana

Cover with chopped almonds or slivered almonds

Freeze overnight (or for at least 4 - 6 hours)

Not only is this a healthy delicious dessert, it is fun making these. Kids love them!

Frozen Chcolate Banana.PNG

I used an empty egg carton to stand it up in the freezer. You can put 1/2 the banana on a stick or a whole. I think it is easier to make if you do 1/2 banana at a time.