Chicken Parmesan Zucchini Logs - 328 Calories

This meal is low calorie, low carb, gluten free, very nutritious, and utterly delicious.

4 ounces of a leftover chicken burger = 170 Calories.

1/2 cup of Muir Glen Tomato sauce = 50 Calories.

2 medium zucchini = 67 Calories.

2 tablespoons of Parmesan cheese = 21 Calories.

To make these logs cut the tips off the zucchini, remove all the seeds, line the inside of the zucchini with the chicken, spoon the tomato sauce on top, season with garlic powder and sea salt, and then sprinkle the Parmesan cheese on top. Place in a preheated oven at 400° for 15 minutes. Then throw it under the broiler about 8 to 12 inches away from the top of the oven for three minutes. That easy.

Learn how to make chicken parmesan zucchini logs.