Oven Baked Salmon Lunch Sampler Plate - 489 Calories

An arugula salad tossed in an apple cider vinegar and topped with oven baked salmon, and egg, corn, orange cauliflower, tomatoes, brussels sprouts, and black lentils.

5 ounces of oven baked salmon = 211 Calories

1 egg = 70 Calories

6 Brussel Sprouts = 52 Calories

1/4 cup of black lentils = 42

1 1/2 cup of orange cauliflower = 40 Calories

1/4 cup of corn = 35 Calories

4 cups of arugula = 20 Calories

6 Cherry tomatoes = 18 Calories

4 Tablespoons of apple cider vinegar = 0 Calories

Eat the rainbow for optimum health!