Sliced Pork & Arugula Lunch Plate - 537 Calories

A huge 14 inch platter of food consisting of: sliced pork, pita bread, kombucha squash, steamed green beans, sweet potato rounds, salsa Verde, and an arugula salad tossed in champagne vinegar sprinkled with crumbled blue cheese and sunflower seeds.

4 ounces of boneless pork chop = 183 Calories

5 ounces of sweet potato = 122 Calories

1 Joseph’s Flax Oat Bran whole wheat pita bread = 60 Calories

1/2 ounce of crumbled blue cheese = 50 Calories

1 1/2 cup of green beans = 46 calories

4 1/2 ounces of Kabocha squash = 25 Calories

1/2 tablespoons of raw sunflower seeds = 25 Calories

3 cups of arugula = 15 Calories

2 tablespoons of salsa Verde = 10 Calories

2 tablespoons of sherry vinegar = 0 calories