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Spingach onion & Cheese Pizza - 789 Calories

13 inch cheese, onion, and spinach pizza.

I know this is a lot of calories for one meal, but it oisa large 13 inch pizza. When you consider the average 14 inch restaurant or store bought pizza is over 2000 calories, it doesn’t sound as bad.

1 cup of all purpose flour = 440 Calories.

1 1/2 ounce of mozzarella cheese = 122 calories

1 cup of Fage nonfat yogurt = 120

1/2 cup of Muir Glen organic tomato sauce = 50 Calories

2 Tablespoons of Parmesan cheese = 42 Calories

1/8 cup of onion = 8 Calories

1 cup of spinach = 7 Calories.