Raising Sunflower Roll with Avocado.PNG

Whole Wheat Raisin Sunflower Roll With Avocado - 239 Calories

A homemade whole wheat, raisin, and sunflower seed roll with a side of mashed Hass avocado.

A homemade whole wheat, raisin, and sunflower seed roll = 165 Calories

46 grams of mashed Hass Avocado = 74 Calories

Recipe For Rolls:

1 cup of Jovial organic wheat flour = 300 calories

1 cup of Fage nonfat yogurt = 120 calories

2 Tablespoons raw sunflower seeds = 100 Calories

1/4 cup of raisins = 140 Calories

Mix all the ingredients and divide into 4 balls. Shape into a roll form. I bake the rolls at 375° for 26 minutes. This recipe makes 4 rolls.

I bought the jovial organic whole wheat flour at Whole Foods.